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Feldenkrais Method


Move intelligently. Learn to organize your body for optimal performance and power. Create new movement patterns and change old habits. Reduce pain and discomfort in your body.

The Feldenkrais Method® of Movement Education is a revolutionary approach to improving physical and mental functioning through somatic awareness by directly accessing the nervous system. The Feldenkrais Method® uses a process of organic learning, movement, and sensing to free you from habitual patterns and constraints to allow for new patterns of thinking, moving and feeling to emerge.


The Feldenkrais Method® benefits conditions such as tension, chronic aches and pains, injuries, movement restrictions, and neurological issues.  It can also improve athletic and artistic performance, coordination, balance and flexibility.  During a Feldenkrais session, I guide you using gentle touch so you can experience new ways of moving and relating to yourself through mindful awareness of your body in action.  My sessions with you are therapeutic and healing, often having benefits that reach far beyond initial expectations.


I offer both Functional Integration® (private sessions) and Awareness Through Movement® (group classes). Book your session here.

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